I have absolutely noooooo patience. Zero. Nada. Nil. Hence why it's really hard for me to keep writing. I guess that's more something to do with persistence instead of patience. Though I do really have no patience. It kills for me to be patient. It really does. I guess it's in the gene because my dad is suuuper impatient. He does everything in lightning speed. Not even kidding. He drives, eats, poops, and even gets angry super fast. I'm a bit better, I dare say.
Back to friggin nutrition. I really wish I can write everyday because it actually feels to me like I did something instead of the usual me lounging around, reading manga etc. Writing this might not sound productive but I guess it's always much better than doing nothing.
This semester's nutrition sucked so bad. I have no idea whatsoever about the assessments even though the lecturer explained about it. Your accent, man! Your accent! Take that into account to speak slower and try not to mumble geez! Though I can't possibly tell it to his face because I understood the struggle well as a non-native English speaker myself.
Ahhh it's only the fifth week of the semester. Please treat me well T~T. I really want to be a vet no matter how difficult it may seem. And let me tell you, it's so difficult in so many levels it's unbelievable. But my love for animals will always prevail! Oh, I hope I get the job at the vet hospital. Hope they'll accept me since I've applied twice and got interviewed twice. If not, I'll just have to keep trying! Though it bothers me that if I get it and my sister is really coming I might have to find another place for her as well. That won't really be helping with the expenses, will it? Arghhh. Torn between getting a good live-in job and living with my sister. ><